
Lesotho flag Flag
Lesotho coat of arms Coat of Arms

Lesotho, also know as Kingdom of Lesotho is located in Africa, Southern Africa and has a population of 2,142,252 with a total land area of 30,355 square km. The capital of Lesotho is Maseru. Countries that border Lesotho are South Africa.

Common name Lesotho
Official name Kingdom of Lesotho
Native name
  • eng:
    Official: Kingdom of Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • sot:
    Official: Kingdom of Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
Top Level Domain .ls
Official name Kingdom of Lesotho
ISO Codes
  • Alpha-2: LS
  • Alpha-3: LSO
  • Numeric: 426
Independent Yes
UN Member Yes
  • LSL:
    Name: Lesotho loti
    Symbol: L
  • ZAR:
    Name: South African rand
    Symbol: R
International Calling Code +266
Capital Maseru
Alternative spelling
  • LS
  • Kingdom of Lesotho
  • Muso oa Lesotho
Region Africa
Sub region Southern Africa
  • English
  • Sotho
  • ara:
    Official: مملكة ليسوتو
    Common: ليسوتو
  • ces:
    Official: Lesothské království
    Common: Lesotho
  • cym:
    Official: Kingdom of Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • deu:
    Official: Königreich Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • est:
    Official: Lesotho Kuningriik
    Common: Lesotho
  • fin:
    Official: Lesothon kuningaskunta
    Common: Lesotho
  • fra:
    Official: Royaume du Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • hrv:
    Official: Kraljevina Lesoto
    Common: Lesoto
  • hun:
    Official: Lesothói Királyság
    Common: Lesotho
  • ita:
    Official: Regno del Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • jpn:
    Official: レソト王国
    Common: レソト
  • kor:
    Official: 레소토 왕국
    Common: 레소토
  • nld:
    Official: Koninkrijk Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • per:
    Official: پادشاهی لسوتو
    Common: لسوتو
  • pol:
    Official: Królestwo Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • por:
    Official: Reino do Lesoto
    Common: Lesoto
  • rus:
    Official: Королевство Лесото
    Common: Лесото
  • slk:
    Official: Lesothské kráľovstvo
    Common: Lesotho
  • spa:
    Official: Reino de Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • swe:
    Official: Konungariket Lesotho
    Common: Lesotho
  • urd:
    Official: مملکتِ لیسوتھو
    Common: لیسوتھو
  • zho:
    Official: 莱索托王国
    Common: 莱索托
Landlocked Yes
  • South Africa
Area 30,355 km2
  • eng:
    Female: Mosotho
    Male: Mosotho
  • fra:
    Female: Lésothienne
    Male: Lésothien
Flag 🇱🇸
Population 2,142,252
GINI { "2017": 44.9 }


  • LS

Side: left

  • UTC+02:00
Continent Africa
Start of week Monday
Postal code
  • Format: ###
  • Regex: ^(\d{3})$


Capital: Maseru