
Palau flag Flag
Palau coat of arms Coat of Arms

Palau, also know as Republic of Palau is located in Oceania, Micronesia and has a population of 18,092 with a total land area of 459 square km. The capital of Palau is Ngerulmud.

Common name Palau
Official name Republic of Palau
Native name
  • eng:
    Official: Republic of Palau
    Common: Palau
  • pau:
    Official: Beluu er a Belau
    Common: Belau
Top Level Domain .pw
Official name Republic of Palau
ISO Codes
  • Alpha-2: PW
  • Alpha-3: PLW
  • Numeric: 585
Independent Yes
UN Member Yes
  • USD:
    Name: United States dollar
    Symbol: $
International Calling Code +680
Capital Ngerulmud
Alternative spelling
  • PW
  • Republic of Palau
  • Beluu er a Belau
Region Oceania
Sub region Micronesia
  • English
  • Palauan
  • ara:
    Official: جمهورية بالاو
    Common: بالاو
  • ces:
    Official: Republika Palau
    Common: Palau
  • cym:
    Official: Republic of Palau
    Common: Palau
  • deu:
    Official: Republik Palau
    Common: Palau
  • est:
    Official: Belau Vabariik
    Common: Belau
  • fin:
    Official: Palaun tasavalta
    Common: Palau
  • fra:
    Official: République des Palaos (Palau)
    Common: Palaos (Palau)
  • hrv:
    Official: Republika Palau
    Common: Palau
  • hun:
    Official: Palaui Köztársaság
    Common: Palau
  • ita:
    Official: Repubblica di Palau
    Common: Palau
  • jpn:
    Official: パラオ共和国
    Common: パラオ
  • kor:
    Official: 팔라우 공화국
    Common: 팔라우
  • nld:
    Official: Republiek van Palau
    Common: Palau
  • per:
    Official: جمهوری پالائو
    Common: پالائو
  • pol:
    Official: Republika Palau
    Common: Palau
  • por:
    Official: República de Palau
    Common: Palau
  • rus:
    Official: Республика Палау
    Common: Палау
  • slk:
    Official: Palauská republika
    Common: Palau
  • spa:
    Official: República de Palau
    Common: Palau
  • swe:
    Official: Republiken Palau
    Common: Palau
  • urd:
    Official: جمہوریہ پلاؤ
    Common: پلاؤ
  • zho:
    Official: 帕劳共和国
    Common: 帕劳
Area 459 km2
  • eng:
    Female: Palauan
    Male: Palauan
  • fra:
    Female: Paluane
    Male: Paluan
Flag 🇵🇼
Population 18,092


  • PAL

Side: right

  • UTC+09:00
Continent Oceania
Start of week Monday
Postal code
  • Format: 96940
  • Regex: ^(96940)$


Capital: Ngerulmud