
Réunion flag Flag

Réunion, also know as Réunion Island is located in Africa, Eastern Africa and has a population of 840,974 with a total land area of 2,511 square km. The capital of Réunion is Saint-Denis.

Common name Réunion
Official name Réunion Island
Native name
  • fra:
    Official: Ile de la Réunion
    Common: La Réunion
Top Level Domain .re
Official name Réunion Island
ISO Codes
  • Alpha-2: RE
  • Alpha-3: REU
  • Numeric: 638
  • EUR:
    Name: Euro
    Symbol: €
International Calling Code +262
Capital Saint-Denis
Alternative spelling
  • RE
  • Reunion
Region Africa
Sub region Eastern Africa
  • French
  • ara:
    Official: جزيرة لا ريونيون
    Common: لا ريونيون
  • ces:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • cym:
    Official: Réunion Island
    Common: Réunion
  • deu:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • est:
    Official: Réunioni departemang
    Common: Réunion
  • fin:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • fra:
    Official: Ile de la Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • hrv:
    Official: Réunion Island
    Common: Réunion
  • hun:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • ita:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Riunione
  • jpn:
    Official: レユニオン島
    Common: レユニオン
  • kor:
    Official: 레위니옹
    Common: 레위니옹
  • nld:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • per:
    Official: رئونیون
    Common: رئونیون
  • pol:
    Official: Reunion
    Common: Reunion
  • por:
    Official: Ilha da Reunião
    Common: Reunião
  • rus:
    Official: Реюньон
    Common: Реюньон
  • slk:
    Official: Réunionský zámorský departmán
    Common: Réunion
  • spa:
    Official: Isla de la Reunión
    Common: Reunión
  • swe:
    Official: Réunion
    Common: Réunion
  • urd:
    Official: رے یونیوں جزیرہ
    Common: رے یونیوں
  • zho:
    Official: 留尼旺岛
    Common: 留尼旺岛
Area 2,511 km2
  • eng:
    Female: Réunionese
    Male: Réunionese
  • fra:
    Female: Réunionnaise
    Male: Réunionnais
Flag 🇷🇪
Population 840,974


  • F

Side: right

  • UTC+04:00
Continent Africa
Start of week Monday
Postal code
  • Format: #####
  • Regex: ^((97|98)(4|7|8)\d{2})$


Capital: Saint-Denis